


The goal of addAadtData is to add Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) data from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration to geocoded data.

Input data should have columns called lat and lon that contain geographic coordinates. addAadtData estimates the exposure to traffic within a user-specified radius (defaults to 400 m) around the input coordinates. Specifically, the length of roads (in meters), the average daily number of vehicles multiplied by the length of the roads (vehicle_meters), and the average daily number of trucks multiplied by the length of the roads (truck_meters) are calculated.

Each of these variables is broken down by traffic type, as defined below:

traffic type types of roads FHA F_System Classification
moving interstates, expressways, and freeways Interstate and Principal Arterial - Other Freeways and Expressways
stop_go arterial roads (frequent stops lights, etc) Principal Arterial - Other and Minor Arterial


Because this package contains all the aadt data, it takes a few minutes to install.

# adjust options to allow for longer download
options(timeout = 300)

# install.packages("remotes")



d <- tibble::tribble(
  ~id,       ~lat,        ~lon,
  55001310120,         NA,          NA,
  55000100280,   39.19674,  -84.582601,
  55000100281,   39.28765,  -84.510173,
  55000100282,  39.158521,  -84.417572,
  55000100283,  39.158521,  -84.417572,
  55000100284, 39.2747872, -84.8203868,
  55000100285, 39.2810336, -84.8564059,

#> Reading and joining data for indiana...
#> Joining, by = c("row_index", "buffer_index", "state")
#> Reading and joining data for ohio...
#> Joining, by = c("row_index", "buffer_index", "state")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 9
#>            id   lat   lon length_stop_go length_moving vehicle_meters_stop_go
#>         <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>          <dbl>         <dbl>                  <dbl>
#> 1 55001310120  NA    NA               NA            NA                     NA
#> 2 55000100280  39.2 -84.6              0             0                      0
#> 3 55000100281  39.3 -84.5            509             0                5900865
#> 4 55000100282  39.2 -84.4           1244             0               28109695
#> 5 55000100283  39.2 -84.4           1244             0               28109695
#> 6 55000100284  39.3 -84.8            736          1071                3452560
#> 7 55000100285  39.3 -84.9            845          1221                3075845
#> # … with 3 more variables: vehicle_meters_moving <dbl>,
#> #   truck_meters_stop_go <dbl>, truck_meters_moving <dbl>