

R build
status R-CMD-check

The goal of addNarrData is to add average NARR weather varaibles to data based on narr_cell (an identifier for a 12 x 12 km NARR grid cell) and start_date and end_date.

NARR Data Dictionary

Variable Name Description
hpbl Planetary Boundary Layer Height
vis Visibility
uwnd.10m U Wind Speed at 10m
vwnd.10m V Wind Speed at 10m
air.2m Air Temperature at 2m
rhum.2m Humidity at 2m
prate Precipitation Rate
pres.sfc Surface Pressure

More information is available at the NOAA website.


Install from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Example Usage

add NARR data.


d <- tibble::tibble(
  id = c('1a', '2b', '3c'),
  visit_date = c("3/8/17", "2/6/12", "6/18/20"),
  lat = c(39.19674, 39.19674, 39.48765),
  lon = c(-84.582601, -84.582601, -84.610173)

d %>%
    visit_date = as.Date(visit_date, format = "%m/%d/%y"),
    start_date = visit_date - lubridate::days(7), # weekly average
    end_date = visit_date
    ) %>%
  get_narr_data(narr_variables = c("air.2m", "rhum.2m"))
#> ℹ 2 total files will be required (1 chunks for 2 narr variables)
#> ℹ all files already exist
#>     narr_cell       date id visit_date      lat       lon start_date   end_date
#>  1:     56423 2020-06-11 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  2:     56423 2020-06-12 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  3:     56423 2020-06-13 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  4:     56423 2020-06-14 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  5:     56423 2020-06-15 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  6:     56423 2020-06-16 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  7:     56423 2020-06-17 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  8:     56423 2020-06-18 3c 2020-06-18 39.48765 -84.61017 2020-06-11 2020-06-18
#>  9:     56772 2012-01-30 2b 2012-02-06 39.19674 -84.58260 2012-01-30 2012-02-06
#> 10:     56772 2012-01-31 2b 2012-02-06 39.19674 -84.58260 2012-01-30 2012-02-06
#>       air.2m  rhum.2m
#>  1: 293.4990 76.07307
#>  2: 292.9222 62.71841
#>  3: 291.3193 68.94843
#>  4: 289.9917 74.19376
#>  5: 289.4601 76.40369
#>  6: 291.8245 73.69858
#>  7: 293.2501 69.98094
#>  8: 295.1451 65.63108
#>  9: 277.3686 83.29338
#> 10: 284.2750 85.39286
#>  [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 15 rows ]

NARR data files

The package works by downloading chunks of NARR data automagically. These are stored in an Amazon s3 drive at


where {number} is replaced with the NARR chunk number (0 - 9), and {variable} is replaced with one of the available NARR variables (hpbl, vis, rhum.2m, prate, air.2m, pres.sfc, uwnd.10m, vwnd.10m). Each file is about 350 MB in size, but only the files needed will be downloaded.

More information on the NARR fst chunk files can be found at narr_raster_to_fst.