Get tigris street range geography files from
Downloaded files are cached in tools::R_user_dir("addr", "cache")
Street ranges with missing minimum or maximum address numbers are excluded.
Sys.setenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR" = tempfile())
#> <list_of<
#> tbl_df<
#> TLID : character
#> s2_geography: s2_geography
#> from : double
#> to : double
#> >
#> >[4]>
#> $`Bridgecreek Dr`
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> TLID s2_geography from to
#> <chr> <s2_geography> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 627893439 LINESTRING (-84.518038 39.237373, -84.518037 39.237248) 9301 9327
#> 2 627893440 LINESTRING (-84.518038 39.237373, -84.51802 39.237481, … 9310 9326
#> 3 637586321 LINESTRING (-84.517673 39.236089, -84.517688 39.236225,… 9200 9294
#> 4 637586322 LINESTRING (-84.517948 39.236947, -84.517967 39.237009,… 9296 9306
#> 5 645615840 LINESTRING (-84.51794 39.237697, -84.517789 39.237925, … 9328 9399
#> $`Bridgeknoll Ct`
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> TLID s2_geography from to
#> <chr> <s2_geography> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 103952990 LINESTRING (-84.645545 39.144769, -84.645801 39.144859,… 3200 3299
#> $`Bridgeport Ln`
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#> TLID s2_geography from to
#> <chr> <s2_geography> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 103943261 LINESTRING (-84.512157 39.30345, -84.512079 39.304385) 12100 12199
#> 2 103943264 LINESTRING (-84.512233 39.302483, -84.512181 39.303229,… 12046 12099
#> 3 103943265 LINESTRING (-84.512337 39.301232, -84.512233 39.302483) 11900 12045
#> $`Bridges Rd`
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#> TLID s2_geography from to
#> <chr> <s2_geography> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 103940363 LINESTRING (-84.364851 39.093519, -84.365029 39.093423,… 6900 7106
#> 2 103956809 LINESTRING (-84.363794 39.090174, -84.362162 39.090046) 7101 7145
#> 3 103956810 LINESTRING (-84.362162 39.090046, -84.362018 39.090026,… 7138 7299