NASH CRN Census Tract Data

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database variable name geomarker derivation definition source time
ACS acs_public_assistance_rate public assistance rate B19057_002 / B19057_001 fraction households with public assistance income in the past 12 months ACS 2019
ACS acs_poverty_rate poverty rate B17001_002 / B17001_001 fraction population with income in the past 12 months below poverty level ACS 2019
ACS acs_unemployment_rate unemployment rate B23025_002 / B23025_001 fraction population over 16 years and over in labor force ACS 2019
ACS acs_median_income annual median household income B19013_001 median household income in the past 12 months in 2019 inflation adjusted dollars ACS 2019
ACS acs_racial_ice racial ICE (B03002_003 - B03002_004) / B03002_001 closer to 1 indicates population is majority white non hispanic, closer to -1 indicates population is majority black non hispanic ACS 2019
ACS acs_vacant_housing_rate vacant housing rate B25002_003 / B25002_001 fraction of houses that are vacant ACS 2019
ACS acs_fraction_hs_edu fraction of pop > 25 years with at least HS or GED (B15003_017 + B15003_018 + B15003_019 + B15003_020 + B15003_021 + B15003_022 + B15003_023 + B15003_024 + B15003_025) / B15003_001 fraction of population over 25 with high school diploma, GED, some college, associate’s, master’s, professional, or doctorate degree ACS 2019
ACS acs_fraction_no_vehicle fraction of household with no vehicles B08201_002 / B08201_01 fraction of households with no vehicles ACS 2019
ACS acs_fraction_no_health_ins fraction population with no health insurance coverage (B27010_017 + B27010_033 + B27010_050 + B27010_066) / B27010_001 fraction population with no health insurance coverage ACS 2019
ACS acs_racial_socioeconomic_ice racial and socioeconomic ICE ((B19001H_014 + B19001H_015 + B19001H_016 + B19001H_017) - ((B19001_002 + B19001_003 + B19001_004 + B19001_005) - (B19001H_002 + B19001H_003 + B19001H_004 + B19001H_005))) / B19001_001 high income white non-Hispanic households versus low income people of color households ACS 2019
ACS acs_crowding crowding (B25014_005 + B25014_006 + B25014_007 + B25014_011 + B25014_012 + B25014_013) / B25014_001 fraction households with >1 person per room ACS 2019
material deprivation index dep_index deprivation index dep_index see 2018
child opportunity index coi_education childhood opportunity index education domain z_ED_nat Weighted average of education domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed 2019
child opportunity index coi_health_env childhood opportunity index health and environment domain z_HE_nat Weighted average of health and environment domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed 2019
child opportunity index coi_social_econ childhood opportunity index social and economic domain z_SE_nat Weighted average of social and economic domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed 2019
child opportunity index coi childhood opportunity index overall z_COI_nat Weighted average of three domain averaged z-scores, nationally normed 2019
community resilience resilience_pct_1or2_risk_factors percent 1 or 2 risk factor PRED12_PE Rate of individuals with one-two risk factors 2019
community resilience resilience_pct_3ormore_risk_factors percent 3 or more risk factors PRED3_PE Rate of individuals with three plus risk factors 2019
social deprivation index sdi SDI score sdi_score social deprivation index score 2015
social vulnerability index svi_socioeconomic percentile ranking for socioeconomic theme RPL_THEME1 percentile ranking for socioeconomic theme 2018
social vulnerability index svi_household_comp percentile ranking for household composition theme RPL_THEME2 percentile ranking for household composition theme 2018
social vulnerability index svi_minority percentile ranking for minority status/language theme RPL_THEME3 percentile ranking for minority status/language theme 2018
social vulnerability index svi_housing_transportation percentile ranking for housing type/transportation theme RPL_THEME4 percentile ranking for housing type/transportation theme 2018
social vulnerability index svi overall percentile lranking RPL_THEMES overall percentile lranking 2018
modified retail food environment index mrfei modified retail food environment index mrfei percentage of healthy food retailers 2011
USDA food atlas usda_low_food_access_flag low food access flag LA1and10 “yes” if tract has at least 500 people or at least 33% of the tract population living more than 1 mile from nearest food store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles in rural areas 2019
USDA food atlas usda_low_food_access_pct low food access percent LAPOP1_10 percent of tract population living more than 1 mile from nearest food store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles in rural areas 2019
Medically Underserved Areas mua medically underserved area mua “yes” if the tract falls within an area with a shortage of medical professionals 2022
EJ Screen ej_lead_paint lead paint indicator PRE1960PCT percent of housing units built pre-1960 2019
EJ Screen ej_diesel_pm diesel particulate matter concentration DSLPM concentration of diesel particulate matter in air (ug/m3) 2019
EJ Screen ej_cancer_risk cancer risk CANCER lifetime cancer risk from inhalation of air toxics 2017
EJ Screen ej_resp_hazard_ind respiratory hazard index RESP ratio of exposure concentration to health-based reference concentration 2017
EJ Screen ej_traffic_proximity traffic proximity and volume PTRAF Count of vehicles (AADT, avg. annual daily traffic) at major roads within 500 meters, divided by distance in meters 2019
EJ Screen ej_major_discharger_water major direct dischargers to water indicator PWDIS RSEI modeled toxic concentrations at stream segments within 500 m divided by distance in km 2021
EJ Screen ej_nat_priority_proximity proximity to national priorities list sites PNPL count of proposed or listed NPL (a.k.a. superfund) sites within 5 km (or nearest one beyond 5 km) 2021
EJ Screen ej_risk_management_proximity proximity to risk management plan facilities PRMP count of RMP (potential chemical accident management plan) facilities within 5 km (or nearest one beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in km 2021
EJ Screen ej_disposal_proximity proximity to treatment storage and disposal facilities PTSDF count of hazardous waste facilities (TSDFs and LQGs) within 5 km (or nearest beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in km 2021
EJ Screen ej_ozone_conc ozone concentration OZONE ozone seasonal average of daily maximum 8-hour concentration (ppb) 2018
EJ Screen ej_pm_conc PM2.5 concentration PM25 annual average PM2.5 level in air (ug/m3) 2018
Food insecurity - food_insecurity_pct percent food insecurity 2019 Food Insecurity % estimated percentage of population in food insecure households 2019

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