The goal of parcel is to provide tools for matching real-world addresses to reference sets of addresses; e.g., “352 Helen Street”, “352 Helen St.” or “352 helen st”. This package is motivated by the included example data resources of auditor parcel tax data from Hamilton County, Ohio. Use get_parcel_data() to get the corresponding parcel data for a vector of addresses:

  c("1069 Overlook Avenue Cincinnati OH 45238",
    "419 Elm St. Cincinnati OH 45238",
    "3333 Burnet Ave Cincinnati OH 45219",
    "3830 President Drive Cincinnati Ohio 45225",
    "3544 Linwood Av Cincinnati OH 45226")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 22
#>   input_address        parcel_id  score centroid_lat centroid_lon parcel_address
#>   <chr>                <chr>      <dbl>        <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>         
#> 1 1069 Overlook Avenu… 1800A800…  0.795         39.1        -84.6 1069 OVERLOOK…
#> 2 419 Elm St. Cincinn… 54000410…  0.860         39.1        -84.6 419 ELM ST    
#> 3 3333 Burnet Ave Cin… nonres-c…  0.860         NA           NA   <NA>          
#> 4 3830 President Driv… president NA             NA           NA   <NA>          
#> 5 3544 Linwood Av Cin… 01900010…  0.860         39.1        -84.4 3544 LINWOOD …
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: parcel_addr_number <chr>, parcel_addr_street <chr>,
#> #   parcel_addr_suffix <chr>, land_use <fct>, condo_id <chr>, condo_unit <chr>,
#> #   market_total_value <dbl>, acreage <dbl>, homestead <lgl>,
#> #   rental_registration <lgl>, year_built <dbl>, n_total_rooms <dbl>,
#> #   n_bedrooms <dbl>, n_full_bathrooms <dbl>, n_half_bathrooms <dbl>,
#> #   online_market_total_value <dbl>

With this specific goal in mind, parcel includes:


The development version of parcel can be installed with:


{parcel} requires the usaddress python module for tagging addresses and creating address stubs, as well as the dedupe and dedupe-variable-address python modules for matching addresses, all of which can be installed to an existing python environment from inside R using reticulate:

reticulate::py_install("usaddress", pip = TRUE)
reticulate::py_install("dedupe", pip = TRUE)
reticulate::py_install("dedupe-variable-address", pip = TRUE)

If there is no preconfigured or compatible version of Python already available on the system, Miniconda will be installed and the required Python packages will be installed in the standard shared environment for R sessions (typically a virtual environment, or a Conda environment named “r-reticulate”) after library(parcel) is called.

Identifiers for Parcels and Properties

A parcel_id refers to the Hamilton County Auditor’s “Parcel Number”, which is referred to as the “Property Number” within the CAGIS Open Data and uniquely identifies properties. In rare cases, multple addresses can share the same parcel boundaries, but have unique parcel_ids and in these cases, their resulting centroid coordinates would also be identical.

Within the process of matching to a parcel, an individual address could be merged with differing types and resolutions of data:

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "arial" } }%%

flowchart LR
classDef id fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px;
classDef tool fill:#e8e8e8,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px,stroke-dasharray: 5 2;
classDef data fill:#fff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:1px;

addr(hospitalization):::id ---> hc("likely in \nHamilton County \n (by ZIP code)"):::data
addr ---> nhc("not in Hamilton  County"):::tool

hc --> inst[institutional parcel]:::id
inst -. "institution 'type' linkage\n (e.g., JFS, CCHMC, RMH)" .-> sdoh("temporary housing,\n foster care,\n low income housing tax credit"):::data

hc --> res(residential parcel):::id

res -- CCHMC \nlinkage --> hhh("home's hospitalization history \n (i.e., pedigree)"):::data
res -- CAGIS & \nODC linkage --> hce(housing code enforcement,\n public service calls, crime):::data

res -- single family dwelling --> vat("family-level SES measures \n (e.g., value, age, condition, tenure)"):::data
res -- multi-family dwelling --> lu("auditor land use type \n (e.g., two family dwelling, \n apartment with 20-39 units)"):::data

hc --> npm(not matched \nto a parcel):::tool

Non-Residential Parcels

Known non-residential addresses will be matched and returned with a special parcel identifer denoting that the matched parcel is non-residential; e.g., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Jobs and Family Services, Ronald McDonald House):

  c("222 E Central Parkway Cincinnati Ohio 45220",
    "222 central pkwy Cincinnati Ohio 45220",
    "3333 Burnet Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219",
    "3333 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45219",
    "350 Erkenbrecher Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219")
) |>
  dplyr::select(input_address, parcel_id)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   input_address                               parcel_id     
#>   <chr>                                       <chr>         
#> 1 222 E Central Parkway Cincinnati Ohio 45220 nonres-jfs    
#> 2 222 central pkwy Cincinnati Ohio 45220      nonres-jfs    
#> 3 3333 Burnet Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219       nonres-cchmc  
#> 4 3333 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45219    nonres-cchmc  
#> 5 350 Erkenbrecher Ave Cincinnati Ohio 45219  nonres-rmh-350


Because “second line” address components (e.g., “Unit 2B”) are not captured, a single address can refer to multiple parcels in the case of condos or otherwise shared building ownership. For example, the address “323 Fifth St” has six distinct parcel_ids, each with different home values and land uses:

parcel_id market_total_value land_use
14500010321 397500 condominium unit
14500010317 123000 condominium office building
14500010320 180000 condominium unit
14500010319 255000 condominium unit
14500010322 388230 condominium unit
14500010318 239500 condominium unit

In this case, a special parcel identifier TIED_MATCH is returned to denote that the address matched more than one parcel:

get_parcel_data("323 Fifth St W Cincinnati OH 45202")$parcel_id

Large Apartment Complexes

Large apartment complexes often use multiple mailing addresses that are not the same as the parcel address(es). In these special cases, link_apt() is used to match addresses exactly based on their street name if the street number falls within a certain range:

#> List of 9
#>  $ president  :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:2] "president drive" "president dr"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 3000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 4999
#>  $ tower      :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:4] "east tower drive" "east tower dr" "e tower drive" "e tower dr"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 2000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 29999
#>  $ bahama     :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:4] "bahama terrace" "bahama te" "bahama ter" "bahama terr"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 5000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 5999
#>  $ hawaiian   :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:4] "hawaiian terrace" "hawaiian te" "hawaiian ter" "hawaiian terr"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 4000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 5999
#>  $ dewdrop    :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:2] "dewdrop circle circle" "dewdrop circle cir"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 400
#>   ..$ range_high : num 599
#>  $ winneste   :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:3] "winneste avenue" "winneste ave" "winneste av"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 4000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 5999
#>  $ walden_glen:List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:2] "walden glen circle" "walden glen cir"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 2000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 2999
#>  $ clovernook :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:3] "clovernook avenue" "clovernook ave" "clovernook av"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 7000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 7999
#>  $ nottingham :List of 3
#>   ..$ street_name: chr [1:4] "nottingham road" "nottingham rd" "nottingham drive" "nottingham dr"
#>   ..$ range_low  : num 2000
#>   ..$ range_high : num 2999
get_parcel_data("5377 Bahama Ter Cincinnati Ohio 45223")$parcel_id
#> [1] "bahama"

CAGIS Parcels Data

The cagis_parcels tabular data resource (TDR) is created using the R scripts in /inst and stored within the package. It can be loaded using {fr}:

d_parcel <- fr::read_fr_tdr(fs::path_package("parcel", "cagis_parcels"))

#> cagis_parcels
#> - version: 0.11.0
#> - title: CAGIS Parcels
#> - homepage: <>
#> - description: A curated property-level data resource derived from the Hamilton
#> County, OH Auditor data distributed through CAGIS Open Data:
#> # A tibble: 259,653 × 14
#>    parcel_id     centroid_lat centroid_lon parcel_address    parcel_addr_number
#>    <chr>                <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>             <chr>             
#>  1 6210023015500         39.3        -84.3 184 CANNONADE DR  184               
#>  2 6210023017000         39.3        -84.3 154 THOROBRED RD  154               
#>  3 6210023017700         39.3        -84.3 112 CITATION CT   112               
#>  4 6210023018100         39.3        -84.3 119 CITATION CT   119               
#>  5 6210023018500         39.3        -84.3 112 THOROBRED RD  112               
#>  6 6210023020300         39.3        -84.3 242 CORDERO TL    242               
#>  7 6210023020500         39.3        -84.3 254 CORDERO TL    254               
#>  8 6210023022800         39.3        -84.3 212 RIVA RIDGE CT 212               
#>  9 6210023023100         39.3        -84.3 230 RIVA RIDGE CT 230               
#> 10 6210023023300         39.3        -84.3 242 RIVA RIDGE CT 242               
#> # ℹ 259,643 more rows
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: parcel_addr_street <chr>, parcel_addr_suffix <chr>,
#> #   land_use <fct>, condo_id <chr>, condo_unit <chr>, market_total_value <dbl>,
#> #   acreage <dbl>, homestead <lgl>, rental_registration <lgl>

#> parcel_id
#> - type: string
#> - description: uniquely identifies properties; the auditor Parcel Number
#> centroid_lat
#> - type: number
#> - description: calculated as centroid of casted multipolygon geometry and
#> projected from Ohio South to WGS84
#> centroid_lon
#> - type: number
#> - description: calculated as centroid of casted multipolygon geometry and
#> projected from Ohio South to WGS84
#> parcel_address
#> - type: string
#> - description: derived by pasting parcel_address_{number, street, suffix}`
#> together
#> parcel_addr_number
#> - type: string
#> parcel_addr_street
#> - type: string
#> parcel_addr_suffix
#> - type: string
#> land_use
#> - type: string
#> - constraints: enum = apartment, 4-19 units, apartment, 20-39 units, apartment,
#> 40+ units, mobile home / trailer park, other commercial housing, office /
#> apartment over, single family dwelling, two family dwelling, three family
#> dwelling, condominium unit, boataminium, condo or pud garage, landominium,
#> manufactured home, lihtc res, other residential structure, and metropolitan
#> housing authority
#> condo_id
#> - type: string
#> - description: used to match two parcels to the same building of condos
#> condo_unit
#> - type: string
#> market_total_value
#> - type: number
#> acreage
#> - type: number
#> homestead
#> - type: boolean
#> rental_registration
#> - type: boolean

# without fr:
# read.csv(fs::path_package("parcel", "cagis_parcels"))

Auditor parcel-level data were excluded if they (1) did not contain a parcel identifier, (2) did not contain a property address number/name, or (3) had a duplicated parcel identifier.

Parcels with the following land use categories are included in the data resource and others are excluded. These were selected to reflect residential usages of parcels.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

d_parcel |>
  group_by(land_use) |>
  summarize(n_parcels = n()) |>
  arrange(desc(n_parcels)) |>
land_use n_parcels
single family dwelling 212995
condominium unit 20325
two family dwelling 11331
apartment, 4-19 units 5654
landominium 3049
three family dwelling 1854
condo or pud garage 1063
other residential structure 869
metropolitan housing authority 744
apartment, 40+ units 619
apartment, 20-39 units 458
manufactured home 204
office / apartment over 187
boataminium 141
other commercial housing 95
mobile home / trailer park 40
lihtc res 25

Some of the parcel characteristics do not make sense in certain contexts and should not be interpreted incorrectly; for example, the value of a parcel for a multi-family or multi-unit housing structure shouldn’t be compared to the value of a parcel for a single-family household for the purposes of assesing individual-level SES.

Hamilton County Auditor Online Data

The hamilton_online_parcels TDR is created by linking a saved scraping of the auditor’s website to the parcel identifiers in the cagis_parcels TDR.

Similarly, the hamilton_online_parcel TDR is created using the R scripts in /inst and stored within the package. It can be loaded using {fr}:

d_online <- fr::read_fr_tdr(fs::path_package("parcel", "hamilton_online_parcels"))

#> hamilton_online_parcels
#> - version: 0.11.0
#> - title: Hamilton Online Parcels
#> - homepage: <>
#> - description: A curated property-level data resource derived from scraping the
#> Hamilton County, OH Auditor Online: Data was
#> scraped for only residential parcels in CAGIS Parcels; see homepage for
#> details.
#> # A tibble: 259,653 × 7
#>    parcel_id     year_built n_total_rooms n_bedrooms n_full_bathrooms
#>    <chr>              <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>            <dbl>
#>  1 6210023015500       1990             8          4                3
#>  2 6210023017000       1990             7          3                2
#>  3 6210023017700       1991             8          4                2
#>  4 6210023018100       1991             9          4                2
#>  5 6210023018500       1990             5          3                2
#>  6 6210023020300       1991             9          4                3
#>  7 6210023020500       1992             8          4                2
#>  8 6210023022800       1992             8          4                2
#>  9 6210023023100       1992             6          2                3
#> 10 6210023023300       1992             7          3                2
#> # ℹ 259,643 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: n_half_bathrooms <dbl>, online_market_total_value <dbl>

#> parcel_id
#> - type: string
#> year_built
#> - type: number
#> n_total_rooms
#> - type: number
#> n_bedrooms
#> - type: number
#> n_full_bathrooms
#> - type: number
#> n_half_bathrooms
#> - type: number
#> online_market_total_value
#> - type: number
#> - description: May differ from the market_total_value from CAGIS auditor online
#> data. This value is scraped from the auditor's website.

# without fr:
# read.csv(fs::path_package("parcel", "hamilton_online_parcels"))

Estimating the number of households per parcel

Certain calculations needs to be weighted by households instead of parcel; e.g. “What fraction of families live near roadway in Avondale?”. We assume the following as a conservative estimate of the number of households per parcel for each land_use code:

land_use n households
single family dwelling 1
condominium unit 1
two family dwelling 2
three family dwelling 3
apartment, 4-19 units 4
apartment, 20-39 units 20
apartment, 40+ units 40
landominium 1
charities, hospitals, retir 1
condo or pud garage 1
metropolitan housing authority 1
office / apartment over 1
manufactured home 1
other commercial housing 1
nursing home / private hospital 1
mobile home / trailer park 1
single fam dw 0-9 acr 1
independent living (seniors) 1
lihtc res 1
condominium office building 0
other residential structure 0
boataminium 0