Coerce CoDEC data package into a simple features object
The name of the census tract column in the CoDEC data package is used to add the appropriate cincy geography.
a simple features object with a geographic identifier column (geoid
and a geometry column (s2_geography
) in addition to the columns in x
Tract identifers do not change across decennial censuses, but the digital representation of their boundaries may be improved over time. Here, data packages using 2010 tract identifers use the TIGER/Line 2019 tract shapefiles and data packages using 2020 tract identifiers use the TIGER/Line 2020 tract shapefiles
#> Simple feature collection with 67488 features and 6 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -84.8203 ymin: 39.02153 xmax: -84.25624 ymax: 39.31206
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 67,488 × 7
#> geoid s2_geography year month n_violations n_addr
#> <chr> <MULTIPOLYGON [°]> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
#> 1 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 1999 9 NA NA
#> 2 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 1999 10 1 1111
#> 3 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 1999 11 NA NA
#> 4 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 1999 12 NA NA
#> 5 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 1 NA NA
#> 6 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 2 NA NA
#> 7 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 3 NA NA
#> 8 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 4 NA NA
#> 9 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 5 NA NA
#> 10 39061021602 (((-84.54739 39.24984, -84.54736… 2000 6 NA NA
#> # ℹ 67,478 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: violations_per_addr <dbl>